Thursday, July 25, 2013

Diabetes leg pain comes with a new warning

Those who are living with diabetes and are experiencing leg pain should be aware that a new study shows that this can lead to permanent disability. Many who suffer from high blood sugar are not aware of the damage that occurs in the arteries due to excessive glucose, high glucose is also responsible for damage to the nervous system. High blood sugar greatly effects the lower limbs, there is a new warning from University researchers on the danger of living with diabetes and experiencing leg pain.

Researchers at Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia revealed that the punishing effects of high glucose causes an across the board increase in disabilities by over 50%. Much of the damage from excess sugar in the bloodstream occurs in the arteries, diabetics are 3 times as likely to suffer a heart attack compared to a person with a normal blood sugar level. Diabetic commonly lose legs to the illness, each day with an elevated blood sugar level causes more circulation damage. A systemic circulation break down can lead to lower limb amputation, leg pain from diabetes is a signal of nerve or artery complications.

How the legs are effected

Hyperinsulinemia has been associated with mitogenic effects on vascular smooth muscle cells, this effect inside the walls of the arteries cause serious diabetic complications. In addition, high blood sugar in itself is a cardiovascular risk factor because it has an adverse effect on the blood vessels, making them more likely to become blocked if a plaque forms. High blood sugar causes the blood to clot more easily, further increasing the likelihood of blockage. The leg pain from diabetes is often a major warning sign of cumulative artery blockage and as the legs go so does the heart.

Over 80% of people who lost a limb due to high blood sugar could have saved leg had they addressed the problem immediately, this was revealed by Dr.Chavez in Argentina

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Diabetes legs sore? Why this is extremely dangerous

If you have diabetes and are experiencing legs which are sore it is a warning sign of circulation damage, this can eventually lead to amputation if the condition is not address immediately. High blood sugar is a very debilitating illness that causes many other health related problems, living with excessive amounts of glucose(sugar) in the blood is a poison. If you have diabetes and your legs are sore it is message that must be taken extremely serious.

The increasing numbers of Amputations worldwide

Due to the diabetic explosion over the last 20 years there has been increasing numbers of people who are suffering from serious complications related to excessive sugars in the blood. Amputations( the removal of the leg )have been increasing in the United States and Europe. Between 1996 and 2005, below-ankle amputations doubled to more than 2,000, and major amputations increased by 43% in England. In the United States the situation is just as bad if not worst, the number of lower limb amputations in people with diabetes has climbed from 67,000 to 86,000 in just 2 years, according to the latest national health data. If you have diabetes legs which are sore it is a message that the circulating sugars in the blood are damaging the arteries,blood vessels and circulation. Diabetic pains and hurts are a message from your body, the body is alerting you to excessive sugars which are invading your arteries. The pain is sounding a serious alarm.

The greatest tragedy in regards to loss of limbs is the fact that more than 80% of people could have saved the leg had they removed the excessive amounts of glucose(sugars) from the bloodstream in time. According to researchers, as people allow the illness to rapidly progress they lose the battle to the sugars. Sugars in excess are poisons in the bloodstream, it is important to address the situation immediately. This was confirmed by Doctors for the NIHC 

"The real tragedy is that almost half of the diabetes-related amputations that occur each year could be prevented," said Charles M. Clark, Jr., M.D., co-chair of the National Diabetes Education Program, a joint initiative of the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

There is some good news, a European diabetic diet has been reversing diabetes legs sore and saving the limbs in thousands of people. This has been worked in 10 countries and is the only diet created for saving the limbs from high blood sugar without drugs

Monday, July 1, 2013

Diabetes legs swollen: What to do about this very serious condition

If you have diabetes and your legs are swollen it is a signal of circulation damage in the lower extremities, if this is not treated it can lead to the remove of the lower limb. Each year there are thousands worldwide who lose their limbs to high blood sugar, it is essential to address the condition as quickly as possible to avoid permanent nerve damage, diabetes swollen legs are a sign of extreme circulation obstruction.

The deadly rise in high blood sugar worldwide

High blood sugar is an illness that takes effects the organs and leads to early death, the process by which high blood sugar ruins the body is shockingly disturbing. In a healthy person blood sugar enters the cells of the body and provides needed energy, it is crucial to have blood sugar entering the cells, insulin is a wonderful hormone that guides that blood sugar into the cells in a healthy person but this is not the case with a diabetic.

A diabetic has their blood sugar flooding into the bloodstream instead of entering the cells, as the bloodstream floods with sugar the damage begins in the body; excessive sugar in the blood destroys the cells, arteries, organs and circulation. Sugar damage is what causes early death in diabetics. Diabetes swollen legs are a signal that the arteries and nerves are being damaged by the blood sugar, the damage to the circulation causes (edema) swelling of the lower limbs and in thousands the end result can be the removal of the leg.

Diabetics have organs that are overworked, the pancreas, liver, kidneys are all overworked when excess sugar is sitting in the bloodstream, the damage spreads to the heart. Adults being treated for high blood sugar are just as likely to have a heart attack or stroke or die from cardiovascular causes as people who have had a prior heart attack, new research shows. They are also twice as likely as non-diabetics to die following a heart attack, according to a study from Denmark's Gentofte University Hospital

"Adults who need glucose-lowering drugs are at very high risk for heart attacks and strokes, and they need to be monitored closely for this and treated with appropriate medications," study researcher Tina Ken Schramm, MD

If you have diabetes and the legs are swollen, sign of nerve/circulation damage, it is crucial to reverse this and save the limbs.

There is some good news, there is a diet that has been reversing diabetic leg problems, the swelling is reversed, it is a specialized diabetic legs diet that is used in Europe, it is now used in 10 countries See here Diabetes swollen Legs